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How to: Concrete Foam Lifting

Over time concrete sidewalks can settle out of place and need our concrete foam lifting service. This settlement is usually due to water eroding the dirt below the concrete. It then creates a void underneath the concrete and allows the concrete to settle and crack. Once the concrete is cracked water can travel through the crack also causing washout.  To prevent concrete settlement you need to check disconnected downspouts or a sloping grade next to the concrete. If you find an existing void underneath the concrete, our concrete repair specialist can fill the voided area and prevent the concrete from cracking. Our concrete repair specialist uses a high-quality two-component polyurethane concrete lifting foam that is strong enough to drive a semi-truck over after just 15 minutes of application. Tri-State Waterproofing has completed thousands of concrete foam lifting jobs and guarantees 100% customer satisfaction.


Concrete Foam Lifting

step 1: prepping for the Concrete lifting

Our concrete repair specialist starts by drilling penny-sized holes in several areas of the concrete. The holes are chosen based on how the concrete is broken and holes can be added throughout the job if other voids are found. The holes allow them to inject the area below with the concrete lifting foam.

Concrete Sidewalk Lifting

step 2: Injecting the foam and lifting the concrete

After our poly lifting pump has reached the desired temp. The nozzle is then placed into the hole. Once our specialist starts to release the lever the two-component polyurethane starts to mix creating a closed-cell, hydro-insensitive, high-density structural foam. The foam then bonds to the soil and then starts to lift the concrete. We can control the rate of lift by injecting water on top of the foam. This process is repeated until the concrete is lifted back into place. 

Concrete Foam Lifting
step 3: Cleaning up the excess foam

Once the concrete sidewalk is lifted back into place, we clean up the extra foam residue. Only 15 minutes after injection the foam has 90% of its strength. The foam has an outstanding compressive strength that has the capacity to withstand the weight of a semi-truck. This repair comes with a 5-year transferable warranty. 

Concrete Leveling