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Georgia, North Carolina & South Carolina

Water Management

Water Management services
Water drainage from gutters and landscaping can cause damage to your home foundation.Our experts can evaluate your grading and provide the best solution for your repair.  This repair could be as easy as installing gutter drain extensions or a grate in your driveway.

Downspout or Gutter Drain Extensions

An open or discounted downspout can cause issues such as foundation settlement or a moldy crawl space. To avoid these issues we connect your downspouts to a solid pipe that is underground and carries the roof water away from the foundation. This simple fix can save your home from future foundation repair and water intrusion.

Concrete Water Grate

Homeowners can experience water entering their garage due to the slope of their driveway. By installing a water grate in front of the garage the water is caught before it can enter your home. The water is then drained towards the slope of the yard. Tri-State Waterproofing fabricates our water grates to keep cost low for the customer and ensures a quality product.

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